About Us

We met in high school and have been best friends since we were 16 years old. We went to the same high school in Irvine, CA. and then the same college, University of California, Irvine.
In college while studying business, computer science and marketing, we wanted to do something entrepreneurial to get us through college and also help other entrepreneurs. It wasn’t until our Junior year when Lisa's post going viral sparked an idea to start social media marketing; specifically Instagram marketing!
The company “Social Uplifted” at the time officially launched during the Fall of 2015.
On our first day we only received one sale to our friend Bianca King, an aspiring singer who wanted to get more exposure. It was a bitter sweet feeling.
16 months later, now called Social Uplifted, we’re serving over 1,000 clients generating over 25000 followers daily on social media from all parts of the world. We still have the bitter sweet feeling. We want to help as many dreamers in the world as possible to take one step further towards their goal.
Nothing we have done has been easy. The amazing people and experiences that Social Uplifted has brought us has been worth every hard experience. Our hope is to spread passion and positivity with every person we interact with through our company. Along the way we want to inspire hopeful entrepreneurs like us to go for it and take a chance on their dreams!
For everyone who has helped us along the way we couldn’t do this without you. And to those who have doubted and laughed at us along the way thank you too, you also motivate us.
If you’ve read this far thank you, we appreciate you and your support! Join Social Uplifted today and help change the World with us.
- We use only high quality national data centers to fulfill your order. That means you will be receiving your Social Uplifted products/services from somewhere near you.
- Secure Ordering.
- The Best Deals available online.
- Courteous, knowledgeable and professional support.
- Tons of satisfied customers.
- 100% Satisfaction Guarantee.
- Everyone that uses our platform, comes back for more. We must be doing something right!
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